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D20-NB/ D20S-NB Dragino NB-IoT Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor


The D20-NB and D20S-NB NB-IoT Temperature Sensors convert the Temperature reading to upload the sensor data sent to the IoT platform via the NB-IoT network.

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The Dragino D20-NB and D20S-NB is an NB-IoT Temperature Sensor for Internet of Things solutions. D20-NB/D20S-NB will convert the Temperature reading to upload the sensor data sent to the IoT platform via the NB-IoT network.

The temperature sensor used in D20-NB/D20S-NB can measure -55°C ~ 125°C with accuracy ±0.5°C (max ±2.0 °C).

D20-NB/D20S-NB supports the temperature alarm feature. Users can set temperature alarms for instant notice. D20-NB supports the Datalog feature. It can save data when there is no NB-IoT network and uplink when the network recovers.

D20-NB/D20S-NB supports different uplink methods including MQTT, MQTTs, UDP & TCP for different application requirements, and supports uplinks to various IoT Servers.

D20-NB/D20S-NB supports BLE configure and OTA update, making users easy to use.

D20-NB/D20S-NB is powered by an 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery, it is designed for long-term use up to several years.

D20-NB/D20S-NB has an optional built-in SIM card and default IoT server connection version, which makes it work with a simple configuration.


NB-IoT Bands:B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B25/B28/B66/B70/B85 @H-FDD

Ultra Low Power Consumption

1 x DS18B20 Temperature probe

Measure range: -55°C ~ 125°C

Temperature alarm

IP66 Waterproof Enclosure

Support BLE remote configure and update firmware

Uplink on periodically

Downlink to change configure

8500mAh Battery for long-term use

Nano SIM card slot for NB-IoT SIM


Common DC Characteristics :

Supply Voltage: 2.5v ~ 3.6v

Operating Temperature: -40 ~ 85°C

Temperature Sensor :

Dallas DS18B20

Range: -55 to + 125°C

Accuracy ±0.5°C (max ±2.0 °C).

NB-IoT Spec:

NB-IoT Module: BC660K-GL

Support Bands: 

B1 @H-FDD: 2100MHz

B2 @H-FDD: 1900MHz

B3 @H-FDD: 1800MHz

B4 @H-FDD: 2100MHz

B5 @H-FDD: 860MHz

B8 @H-FDD: 900MHz

B12 @H-FDD: 720MHz

B13 @H-FDD: 740MHz

B17 @H-FDD: 730MHz

B18 @H-FDD: 870MHz

B19 @H-FDD: 870MHz

B20 @H-FDD: 790MHz

B25 @H-FDD: 1900MHz

B28 @H-FDD: 750MHz

B66 @H-FDD: 2000MHz

B70 @H-FDD: 2000MHz

B85 @H-FDD: 700MHz

Battery :

Li/SOCI2 un-chargeable battery

Capacity: 8500mAh

Self-Discharge: <1% / Year @ 25°C

Max continuous current: 130mA

Max boost current: 2A, 1 second

Power Consumption: 

STOP Mode: 10uA @ 3.3v

Max transmit power: 350mA@3.3v

Package Includes:

1 x D20-NB  or  D20S-NB  NB-IoT Temperature Sensor

External antenna x 1

Dimension and weight:  

Device Size: 120 * 55 * 200 mm

Device Weight: 372g 

Order Info:

Part Number : D20-NB-XX or D20S-NB-XX(designed for used in Soil or Road)  


GE: General version ( Exclude SIM card) 

1T: with 1NCE * 10 years 500MB SIM card and Pre-configure to ThingsEye server  

Useful Link:


User Manual




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D20-NB/ D20S-NB Dragino NB-IoT Waterproof /Outdoor Temperature Sensor

The D20-NB and D20S-NB NB-IoT Temperature Sensors convert the Temperature reading to upload the sensor data sent to the IoT platform via the NB-IoT network.

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