The CMT2251AW is a true single-chip, ultra low power and high performance device that consists of an OOK RF receiver, a data decoder and 1 PWM output pin for various 300 to 480MHz wireless applications.The device integrates a data decoder that is not only compatible with the most common used packet format of 1527 and 2262, but also a more efficient, flexible and powerful format of 1920 designed by CMOSTEK. The device delivers sensitivity up to -114 dBm while consuming only 3.8 mA current when it is always on. An embedded EEPROM allows the frequency, symbol rate and other features to be programmed into the device using the CMOSTEK USB Programmer and the RFPDK. Alternatively,in stock products of 315/433.92 MHz are available for immediate demands with no need of EEPROM programming. When pairing the device to CMOSTEK transmitter,the synchronization ID can be programmed into both of the transmitter and receiver during the manufacturing phase, or studied by the receiver from the transmitter remotely by end customers. The CMT2251AW is part of the CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM family, together with CMT215xW transmitters,they enable ultra low cost, low power consumption RF links.
Embedded EEPROM
-Very Easy Development with RFPDK
-All Features Programmable
Frequency Range: 300 to 480 MHz
Symbol Rate: 0.1 to 40 ksps
Sensitivity: -114 dBm at 1 ksps, 0.1% BER
3-wire SPI Interface for EEPROM Programming
Stand-Alone, No External MCU Control Required< 20 nA
Configurable Duty-Cycle Receive Mode
1 PWM Control Output
Low Power Consumption: 3.8 mA
Low Standby Current:520 uA
Support 1920, 1527 and 2262 Decoding Formats
ID Study, Factory Code Supported
RoHS Compliant
16-pin QFN 3x3 Package
Smart LED Control (PWM)
Low-Cost Consumer Electronics Applications
Remote Control
Fan Controller
Wireless Controller with PWM Interface
Home Security and Alarm
Garage and Gate Openers
Home and Building Automation
Industrial Monitoring and Controls
Sensor Networks
Useful Link:
Click here to view CMT2251AW datasheet
CMOSTEK RFPDK Setup(RF Products Development Kit PC Software)-For Developing stage
AN119 CMT2251AW Configuration Guideline(RF PDK Users Guide)
CMOSTEK WriterConfig V1.0.3 Beta(RF Write config PC software)-For mass production stage