SX1276-LoRa one article is enough

This article will list all of the resources for Lora’s development and application. We will keep updating when we find any valuable resources. Here are the categories: Products, Datasheet, Libraries, Applications, accessories.



SX1276-7-8-9 Datasheet

Development Support Documents

Introducing LoRa™ !


A LoRaWan Gateway in LUA

Arduino library for LoRa modules based on SX127x/RFM9x chips

Arduino Core for STM32L0

Arduino LoRa E32 Series device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266 and esp32.

LoRa node on nRF52

A complete model of a low-cost sensor node device using solar energy and an sx1276 transmitter for a LoRa Wireless Sensor Network.

The Things Network Gateway based on Raspberry Pi and

A platform-agnostic driver for Semtech SX1276/77/78/79 based boards. It supports any device that implements the embedded-hal traits. Devices are connected over SPI and require an extra GPIO pin for RESET.

wMbus receiver based on STM32L476 Nucleo and Hope RF95.

AzureIoT Hub Windows 10 IotCore Field Gateway for LoRa capable device.

Port for PSoC devices of the IBM LMiC for SEMTECH LoRa radios .

Библиотека управления приемопередатчиком sx1276/7/8/9

C# Semtech SX127X/RFM9X LoRa library for Windows 10 IoT Core powered devices 

Arduino library for LoRa modules based on SX127x/RFM9x chips modified for Linux and possible Orange/Raspberry PI

A library for sending data using SX1276 LoRa radio using PIC as MCU.

P8X32A/Propeller driver object for the Semtech SX1276 LoRa transceiver chip

ATTiny1614 + SX1276 + BME280

LoRa RFM95/SX1276 libraries for PIC 8 bit microcontrollers


  1. SLoRa – Wireless weather station for agriculture Project by DorijanLow power, Long-range wireless weather sensor system to detect potential frosting and alert the farmer to take action.
  2. ESP32 – LoRa – OLED Module Project by data Get the most out of your (heltec/ttgo/aliexpress) ESP32 LoRa OLED development board.
  3. Spy Thing Project by Ville TiukuvaaraA tracking device with GPS, a digital microphone, LoRa transceiver, and an STM32 microcontroller.
  4. Using Ultrasonic sensor with Lora Ra-02 ( or SX1276) use a wireless ultrasonic sensor to monitor the water level in the well/tanks at our cottage. 

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