Shoping around from the HUAQIANGBEI market-1
Most the counter owner has relative on HUAQIANGBEI they may come from same place, maybe from same vallage or same town. they say the same dailect. it seams like a closed business loop circut, Money, Information and products transfer around this closed loop.
This conter business scop included the BNC,TNC,N,UHF,QMA,L9,SMA,SMB,SSMB,SSMA,SSMC ,MCX, MMCX,7/16(L29),7/8,1/2. and aslo the radio friquency cable: SFF(RG series), SYV,1/2.7/8 and all kinds of arrester, attenuators and connectors for cell phone.
Huaqiang Electronic World-BNC connectors